Monday, November 13, 2006

The Democrats Take Both Houses of Congress

Citizens sent a very powerful message to our government on November 7th. The Republican controlled government was sent packing as they forgot what conservatism was all about, fiscal responsibility and minimal government. Bad trade agreements, record deficits, bridges to nowhere and moral corruption were the headlines for the last 6 years. Cap that off with the poorly run war in Iraq, it was time to send the message we've had enough. It's clear neither party represented the will of people.

In a two party system, you have limited options. They are the lesser of the evils at the moment. Let's hope the Democrats don't actually think they were elected for their message of hope and clear direction. It's time to put this country back on the course for prosperity and hope for the middle class. It's time for government of the people and by the people and not the will of big businesses and lobbyist.